New Concepts

Our vision
on your

New Concepts

We help clients boost digital transformation by creating new concepts to meet future client needs. Needs you may not even have on your radar.


Putting new product ideas on your radar

Keen Financials UX designers have worked for two decades with leading banks.
In that time we’ve gained real insights into what it takes to do online banking. There’s so much more to it than online payments in the here-and-now.

Our UX teams regularly pool their expertise and create new concepts for digital financial products that meet real customer needs. Needs which you may not even have on your radar.

When you come to us for a new concept, you’ll get more than just ideas. We put theory into practice, demonstrating how new concepts can be applied to your real-life banking environment.


Student banking app

A fresh budget app to give young people more control over their money. Easy to implement in your existing banking app to create more value for young people to bank with you and help them become more financially healthy.


Apple Pay, a threat to banks or a source of inspiration?

The time has finally come, Apple Pay can be used in the Netherlands. But what does this mean for banks? Is it a threat or is it something that every bank should offer as a standard service in their packages? The adoption of new services is an extension of the total UX with a bank and this should have a high priority for every bank.

Headshot of Iwan Cuijpers CEO of Keen Design
Do you face a similar challenge?

Let’s find a solution!

Iwan Cuijpers