Case study
Council of the Judiciary

A comprehensive innovation pathway
Our client
The Raad voor de Rechtspraak (Dutch for: Council for the Judiciary) is the governing body of most judicial organizations in the Netherlands: 11 courts, 4 courts of appeal, the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) and the Central Appeals Board (CRvB).
The Raad voor de Rechtspraak was established in 2002 as an independent buffer between the judiciary and the government. Its task is to increase the quality of the judiciary. It does this, for example, by promoting unity of law between the various courts. And by helping to shorten the lead times of lawsuits.
Our challenge
The Raad voor de Rechtspraak often still worked with paper files. It required our help in an extensive innovation process to replace these paper files with digital files. The aim was, among other things, to increase the findability, clarity and laboriousness of such files. The associated work processes also had to be adapted to the digitization. The files were not only intended for internal employees (judges, legal assistants and administrative assistants), but also for external users (lawyers, trustees and citizens).
Our solution
Keen worked within a Scrum team on the interaction design for this new work environment within the judiciary. The diversity of the target group made developing this design extra challenging. By means of various user studies beforehand, and usability tests from the realization of the first concept, we succeeded in making the forms clear and findable for internal and external employees.

Our approach
In order to properly serve all users in the new digital environment, it was important to get a good picture of that target group. That is why we started a dialogue with the various types of users. We asked them about their daily activities, their wishes and needs, and about the way they search for and use the files.
Based on this we developed several personas (the average user of a specific group). Then, using customer journeys, we discovered where the possible bottlenecks for the various users were in the new digital environment. With the help of usability tests and by coordinating with stakeholders within the organisation, we were able to refine the design even further.

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A user-friendly design
The Dutch Tax Authorities
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